Tuesday, November 30, 2010

To Quote Jimmy V.

This is kind of a follow up to the last blog about the interview.  One of two things happens afterwards.  You get the job; everything is great, and in thirty years you retire with a gold watch and a big pension plan.  Or you were one of many who interviewed.  You wait, hoping to get that call.  The problem is the call never comes.  Instead you receive an email.  This is not the kind of email you want to get.  It reads something like this:
                        Dear ---- ,
We interviewed so many highly qualified candidates during our interview process. Many of the candidates were highly qualified for the position, and we had a hard time deciding who we wanted to hire.  After careful review we have decided to proceed with another candidate.
Our staff enjoyed meeting with you, and we wish you nothing bet the best of luck in your future endeavors.
Hiring Manager who just hired someone else.
In all honesty it would just be a lot easier if they just told you, “Hey, this other guy was way better.  Our staff didn’t like you, and why don’t you go pound sand.”  Okay, we both know that they probably did not mean what is quoted above, but it sure as hell feels like it.  Here is the thing, even though you have that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach like your life has just ended it hasn’t.  We have all struggled, unless our father is Donald Trump.  We have to find a way to pick ourselves up and continue.
It is always crushing to not get the job, especially this time of year.  You have bills to pay, Christmas is coming, and that weird squeaking noise from your car is not going to go away.  You have to find a way to fight on.  Sometimes you have to take a job that is “Beneath you”.  If you are fresh out of college or still reeling from losing your “cushy” job, NO ONE is going to hire you anywhere what you think you are worth.  Personally I have been through this, hell for all you know the next person to read this is going through this.  It sucks.
So there you are struggling to get by, making less than half of what you made before.  It is tough.  Your credit cards are maxed out, you’re a month late on a car payment, you have too many payday loans (BTW don’t get payday loans; they are a vicious cycle that are very hard to get out of.  Trust me, I learned this lesson).  Take an inventory of what you have, what you spend, where you go, and what you eat.  This is especially important if you are a single person who lives alone, a single person with a child, or a married person in a single income household.  Let’s look at thing you can cut:
*Cable – Most of the time you’re not home to watch it anyways.
*Dining out - It is a lot cheaper to brown bag it every day.
*Bar Hopping – I love getting cocktails as much as you do, but you spend way too much $$$.
Okay there are three things that can be done easily, and allow you to get by on what you are making if you are not making want you think you deserve.  The next options are a bit more painful.  So like when mom ripped off the Band-Aid, take a deep breath…
*Craigslist – Now you might be thinking that I am talking about selling your body, but they banned that.  No I am talking about selling stuff you do not use, or do not need.  Let’s say for instance, you have a Les Paul Studio Guitar (I only bring this up because I had to do this) you paid a lot of money for it.  You love that guitar, but all you do is look at it.  Maybe it is time to advertise some of that stuff on Craigslist.  Sell it.  Being able to pay your bills is much betterthan having a really cool guitar when you are living on the streets.
*Plato’s Closet – I use Plato’s Closet, because we have them here in St. Louis.  You probably have a ton of clothes that you either do not wear or cannot fit into anymore.  Sell them.  Once again making sure that you are still standing on your feet is much better than being a well dressed homeless person.
*The Rents – Ugh, I could not imagine this one, but if times get so bad may be you should consider this.  Odds are you are paying rent, most young, single, and underpaid are.  Find out what it costs to get out of your lease.  Discuss making arrangements with your landlord to pay your buyout.  Talk to your parents.  Odds are they probably know that you are struggling.  Offer to pay rent, offer to do chores, offer to split the cost of food and etc. with them.  Hey, it is going to kill your social life, but it is better than digging an even deeper hole.
So what I just laid out for you is a worst case scenario.  We all have to learn is this economy, no matter who is in office, that we can lose our jobs tomorrow.  Politicians may tell us that they are “going to fix it”, but as someone who has worked in politics, it will not happen instantly, not in a week, or a month, but over time.
I won’t blow a ton of smoke up your but.  I won’t give you a ton of clichés that you have already heard, but I will leave you with the message of a man that was fight for his life, a man that gave hope to so many.  Good luck out there, keep your head up, your ship is coming in, it is always darkest before the dawn, etc. etc… 

Blogger's note: I am in no way making a reference that not getting a job is anywhere near battling cancer.
The message here is no matter what don’t give up.  It will happen, and you will get there.

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